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  • Writer's pictureAparna Chandra

Whispers of the Soul: Musings on Life

Updated: Apr 20

Words speak for themselves....writing awakens one's inner self..we learn to reflect and then react...

Tips & tricks : Always carry a small dairy...note down anything that affects u, inspires u , makes u ponder or puts u down...and then take out time to pen your feelings on these thoughts....

Is it pleasant to be plump?

⁃ Aparna Chandra

⁃March 12, 2024

How does one feel to be crowned Miss universe one year and get slammed for being overweight the next year? This is exactly what Ms. Harnaaz Kaur Sandhu went through! Isn't it unfortunate? Across the world, beauty is associated with being skinny, having the perfect vital stats and looking glamorous? Why aren't normal people associated with being beautiful? If a lady has put on weight due to hormonal imbalance, health issues medicinal side effects siring birth or being operated for some reason – why are they scrutinised, mocked at or admonished?

Putting on extra kilos is not always a choice but the repercussion of multiple factors. Since birth, we term people as chubby, thin or what not? We associate models, celebrities, TV personalities as our idols. We forget that they follow a strict diet regimen, workout for hours together and are even malnourished to achieve to size zero. They have trainers,,full fledged gyms at home and helpers to assist them-in household chores. Whereas the average working women or homemaker has a long list of daily activities that she has to manage on her own. She takes care of everyone in the family  - be it her spouse, children, elderly parents or relatives. But somewhere she forgets to take care of her own heath. She wakes up at 5 am -prepares meals for the family, sends children to school and gets ready for work. After a tiring day, is again time for her to see dinner, clear the kitchen and relax a bit.

Many times, the daily routine takes a toll on her and she forgets to take care of herself. She forgets to pamper herself. She doesn't get the time to apply oil on her own hair but manages to do so for the entire family. After giving birth, her entire focus is on the newborn child and she doesn't devote time to herself. She puts on weight, gets mocked at her appearance and shabby dressing sense. She feels comfortable in loose flowy clothes and doesn't get enough time to get clothes stitched in consonance with her changing body type. She remains awake from early morning to late night to take care of home and work but is not appreciated.

We usually women for granted. I myself understood the true value of a mother when I became one. I realised the sacrifices, difficulties and value of daily tasks when I started doing these things for my son. Even I became bloated, chubby, plump or fat as you may call it. Eating at odd hours at home a work takes a toll on your body too.

 I managed to shed 15 legs within few months of exercise and a strict diet but lost the momentum once I said weighed lighter on the weighing scale. Multiple stress factors, hormonal imbalances and long-term medication coupled with binge-eating and lack of physical activity shot up my weight in few years again. I'm struggling to cope with my plump self. I’m trying in all earnest to shed weight and be careful about my diet consistently. I now force myself for a morning walk.

This is the story of an average woman. So, please don’t laugh at her, post nasty comments or mock at her figure. Do remember that somewhere she lost her identity taking care of you. A women or man is not beautiful because of his looks. Rather, his/ her behaviour, value system and temperament towards others make him/her a true gem of a person. You may forget a person's appearance, but you can't forget how he made you feel. So, please value a person for his personality, persona and not physical appearance.


Don't rate a person just on the weighing scale;

whether he is male or a female,

Looks may sometimes fail,

Consider the overall trail !


-Aparna Chandra

February 21, 2024


As I wake up on a pleasant spring morning, I venture out into the balcony and enjoy the sight of the bright piano yellow sun filled with energy, positivity and cheer. Birds are seen fluttering in a V-shaped pattern, leaves sway with the morning breeze, the bougainvillea tree with its pink flowers blossoming and making the footpath covered with a pink canopy is a wonderful start to the new day.

Pedestrians strolling in the garden nearby, tea vendors serving hot ginger tea to the passers-by, the newspaper hawkers atop a cycle sorting bundles of papers to be delivered to different houses is endearing. The joy of witnessing these day-to-day things captured by our twin eyes has a distinct aura, charm and memory associated with it.

Giving birth has witnessed a changeover – from a c-section, IVF, artificial insemination, surrogacy etc.. Whatever the case maybe, the joy of giving birth which is felt by a mother and the father is a moment which is etched in their minds for a lifetime. No photo video taken during that time can make you relive the experience and the overwhelming satisfaction of giving birth to a living being at that time.

Gearless bikes and cars may ease your driving experience- the thrill you got when could successfully drive your own first vehicle has no comparison to the comfort of any other fancy vehicle you end may end up owning later.

A trainee pilot who learns flying on the simulator does have exposure, but soaring past the never ending clouds on an actual flight is a kill-bill instance. Ready-to-eat food which can be baked, fried or cooked by just pouring hot water might melt your cooking load after returning from work. This though cannot satiate your hunger by touching your soul - the way you’re your mouth relishes every bite of the dish cooked by your mom lovingly for you.

Listening to a live band playing unique instruments in a an amphitheatre soothes your soul-  much more than hearing music  on your ear buds or neck bands. Sketching has been made easier by many apps but the beauty of undergoing a portrait session by an artist sitting in front of you has no comparison to a digital sketch.

An aromiser might improve the smell in your room, hotel or office but the fresh scent of flowers and moist earth in your garden cannot be recreated by any technology.

There is no harm in embracing technology – but the catch is you must treasure the natural environment and surroundings and the takeaways from them.

There might be a remake,

It's your call how much you take,

Enrich the experience for your own sake ,

Try not to get confused between the real and fake.


-Aparna Chandra

November 15, 2023


 The twinkling of diyas, the shimmer of decorative lights, the hues of the lampshade, the sparkle of crackers, the duel between truck lights on a highway have their own story to tell.


The rays of the bright sun ushering in today morning into our homes through windows and our balcony bring with it positivity, hope for a cheerful day and bountiful energy. The sun is revered as a God in some religions and is the source of life and light. The weather and the atmosphere changes with the light produced by the sun’s rays. It evokes varied responses from different species – it opens up the sunflower, it awakens the butterfly spluttering over pollens, it passes through layers of curtains to remove darkness and relays  the beginning of a new day.


Both artificial and natural light changes the environs with marked variations. The mood for the day is reflected by the light emitted. Light gives instant energy. The minute the sun's powerful rays enter your home in the morning- it marks a new chapter. It has a bountiful effect on the way we look at things, the way we feel about different spaces and affect our behaviour for the rest of the day.

Imagine yourself in a dark isolated room and then in the midst of an open farm with ample sunlight !! I need not delve further -  you know the marked difference between the two !!

As we approach winter, bonfires lit up on the streets and camping sites offer solace from the tough weather. The warmth we get from light is perennial. It creates a unique aura around that atmosphere.

Babies are kept in Neonatal ICU in an incubator with artificial light – as it improves their immunity and strength. Can you recall how you felt when the train passed through the  long tunnel and whoa – you were exposed to light at the end of the tunnel ?

The festival of lights Diwali brings with it happiness, hope, good health and harmony. It unites people of different creeds and caste to celebrate the festival with light and hope. Diyas and candles are in abundance everywhere – lit up with love, life and natural energy. Lights in Diwali denote the arrival of good cheer and happiness in our lives.

The light of the moon and stars when experienced while gazing of the sky has a calming effect on our body and mood. Lights used at Candle marches signify the importance of peace and light in our lives.

The colorful and vibrant decor of Santa and the reindeer during Christmas is a major event in many countrie. Lights of different colors, intensity and spread over a long distance have an infusing effect on the atmoshphere.

The light from reflectors in the road save lives, while street lights facilitates a safe journey, the solar lantern in the village corner shop provides an amiable environment for people to chit and chatter.

Crackers are burst not just on Diwali, but throughout the year in weddings and festive occasions. The light and sound emitted from them signify the beginning of a new life; full with energy and prosperity. Lights in different forms, shapes and locations spread a halo of hope, good health and hearty wishes. They set the tone for a vibrant future, propelling a nascent entry into a hobby, venture or activity.


Light has the capacity to enter homes even though a keyhole- and  and it spreads in abeyance while transgressing different boundaries and spaces.

The enchanting effects of the decor of lights,

changes our lives,

 it moderates different tides;

 and serves as a guiding light,

brightening up every sight !!

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Meena R Shankar
Meena R Shankar
Apr 18

Open hearted write up

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