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  • Writer's pictureAparna Chandra

Ink Stained Reflections: Poetry and Prose

Updated: Apr 20

Writing unburdens me..writing makes me feel lighter as it takes out my feelings..I can fully express myself without any hindrances on this platform....

Mast monsoons

-Aparna Chandra

July 11, 2023 

The onset of monsoons is significant because of many factors. If it's on the right time,  it benefits our farmers, transporters, vegetable and fruit vendors etc, The first rain of the season brings in a sense of relief from the scorching summer.One gets the maiden step into the next season. Winds, thunder, lightning and rapid rains makes your colourful umbrella come out of the closet.

Those on two wheelers get respite from the rains donning the raincoat. Thelas and hawkers do make shift arrangements by erecting plastic sheets over their heads. Temporary sheds come up in the roadside eateries.

Its sheer joy to see children play football in the monsoon slush . Their kick against the ball lands the other player with a muddy splash. Small kids can be seen playing with muddy water and busy catching fishes on the roadside drains. Barren grounds and roadside lawns turn into a lush green carpet with fresh foliage. There’s algae blossoming on the boundary walls and moist spaces.

The colour code is not just green, but orange, red, yellow, purple and white in which flowers are to be seen. Leaves are marked with vertical patterns, textures and shades of green. Bushes spread like wildfire occupying every nook and corner. Snakes, mongoose and other animals come out of the vacation to greet those at home or offices.

Agricultural lands are at their ever best producing cereals, pulses, millets and more. Even little pots on your terrace or balcony invite colourful butterflies who hover on these flowers. Windshields have a sheen of the monsoon shower while little droplets of rain perch on the surface everywhere.

Those wearing spectacles face a peculiar problem of hazy vision. An SUV with broad tyres leaves an imprint on the muddy terrain all through. Water accumulating in potholes and low surfaces make way for themselves in roads and open spaces.

One loves to gorge on chai-pakoras during this season. Tempting bhajiyas popping out of piping hot oil and jalebis floating on the kadhai entice the foodies. How can monsoon be complete without ‘Bhutta’ baked on charcoal or boiled ? A pinch of salt, red chilli powder sprinkled with fresh lime is indeed a treat to eat.

The sight of grasshoppers hopping in your lawn and frogs croaking around paves way for other little flora and fauna to visit your garden. The sputter of water as you drive class flooded pathways on the streets covers the pedestrian with a layer of water.


Let's slow down when we drive,

as you welcome the monsoon live,

Its the season for vegetation to thrive,

As the summer closes in for a drive

Let’s drench in the rainy tribe,

and enjoy the colourful season’s vibe.



-Aparna Chandra


Usually, a puppet show showcases people in colourful attires. But to my astonishment, my son carried out a dinosaur puppet show by drawing dinosaurs in a drawing book, colouring them, taking cutouts and using old toy box to create a colourful backdrop. Recently, his online school assignment required him to draw a seascape. And, he drew an island in the shape of a Ganesha with the beach beside it. For his dad's birthday, he made a pen cum utility stand made out of a broken carton. As he is very fond of tanks and guns, he made a double barrel gun made completely out of paper and it shoots paper bullets well too.  Also, he made a 2D tank with modifications from his own mind joining paper by stapling them and using glue -going ahead and creating a new version of a mighty tank. One evening, I was completely zapped to see an insect trap made out of Lego blocks-with ample space left for the insect to breathe too.


Can we as adults think of making door stoppers using bullet darts ? It doesn't strike us as we don't think big-or go beyond our routine boundaries. We usually are not flexible and don't think of accommodating things out of the blue. We restrict ourselves to norms and practices and dissuade others from doing so too. Our kids make origami - artefacts with paper and present it to us on occasions. I truly cherish such original gifts - as it has a message, heartfelt note and emotional connect. It's actually priceless- that your kid thinks of an idea and puts it in a structure and presents it to you with love. Even the most materialistic things cannot give you the joy of a sentimental gift from your loved ones.


When my son was very small, he used to give me a small little thing every day when we used to leave for office - like a bookmark made by him, a little piece of paper, the battery of a toy or a note he used to say it's my ‘nishani’ identification mark and used to request us to keep it near us .His way of keeping us cosy and secure with his memories and giving it to him after we returned home was a touching affair.


The manner in which Corona virus has hit our lives- our kids’ lives have been hit hard too -  with restrictions on movement outside the house, lesser number of play hours, shifting completely to the online platform etc. Kids are trying to keep themselves engaged -  trying out new crafts, reading books, watching videos, learning to help their parents/ grandparents, doing chores in the household shows and making interesting things. For instance, my son made a stay safe Corona banner out of magnetic dots on a board. He learnt to cut vegetables like potatoes, tomatoes and ladies finger and how to bind flour together into a dough.


Most of us over the months have celebrated birthdays and anniversaries in unique ways- by not physically inviting guests but virtually reconnecting with them making exquisite dishes and sweets at home itself and curbing shopping expenses & watching movies at home.

Be it stitching your own mask, learning new techniques to iron your clothes, picking up gardening tricks, making colourful & yummy dishes for your spouse/ children, exploring the concept of Work From Home in this time really made all of us creative, adept and resourceful to stay happy with minimal needs.


Look, see and like

our creativity is on a spike;

unable to go on a long drive?

Family times shall thrive.

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Meena R Shankar
Meena R Shankar
18 de abr.

Wonderful keep writing keep expressing Experiences are a treasure

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