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Textured Paper

Embrace the beauty of words,
inspired by
everyday moments.

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Pausing While Typing


By :
Aparna Chandra


I started capturing my musings by writing a poem on ‘pollution’ as a 10-year-old for a Fancy dress competition and went on to publish my long journeys by car with my family in Indore’s local newspaper ‘The Free Press’. I enjoy writing essays, poems and articles on life’s daily lessons and nuances. I get inspired by what we see, do or watch on a daily basis and feel nice to let down my hair and share what I feel by penning it down in the form of an article..I write on people, places, relationships, incidents, aspects of routine events and my observations on the same. What makes me ponder…makes me write !! Welcome to marking my musings….hope you enjoy my life’s journey written through my words…

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